Lipedema Warrior Clinic

We are dedicated to empowering women to fully understand and connect with their bodies through personalized care. Our mission extends beyond addressing lipedema, we aim to provide a comprehensive understanding of the body, enabling women to achieve overall wellness.

Meet Your Doctor: Liza Rodriguez

Born and raised in Dominican Republic, I am a first generation American. I received my Internal Medicine internship and residency at Temple University Hospital in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, and have been board certified in Internal Medicine since 2004. My exposure to health and longevity began a few years ago despite being in healthcare for 20 years. I realized the medicine I was practicing was not really making people healthy.

Abruptly in 2020, my life changed with the health of my wife deteriorating and no knowledge on how to diagnose or help her. Seeking care from practitioners was unhelpful and it was only from the comment of a certified physical therapist that we learned about lipedema. Ever since then, it has been a passion to learn, absorb, and grow within this field. I have experienced the perils of physician limitations, insurance limitations, societal limitations, and the limitations of the system as a whole. As I transitioned out of acute care and into the next steps of my career, it became clear that the knowledge I had gained through the last 2 years of being personally fully immersed in this disease needed to be put to good use. From there grew the idea of Lipedema Warrior Clinic.

Fat disorders are a complicated mix of diseases, many times associated with other comorbidities, that when left undiagnosed or untreated only delay healing and success. The process of healing is one of understanding your own body and its responses to food, environment, and treatment. Our approach is to help motivated women to understand their bodies and help them in the healing process.

Meet Your Patient Navigator, Practice Administrator, and Lipedema Patient: Angela

I was an executive in the banking corporate world in my early working years. In 2011 I was done with corporate and started my dream job. I opened a self serve dog wash. I then taught myself to groom. I received the best business and grooming business award for my area 11 years in a row. When menopause hit, so did lipedema. Learn more about my lipedema story here. Through my lipedema journey, struggling to find the medical care I needed having Lipedema, Mast Cell Activation Syndrome, Ehlers Danlos, and POTS I realized this wasn’t just a me problem. This is a huge void in the medical world!! Right now, in America, some towns have absolutely no physicians available for primary care, leaving patients traveling in order to receive basic care from a burnt out doctor that is getting paid pennies on the dollar due to greedy insurance companies. Clinics are closing at an alarming rate. It’s a rarity to find a physician who has even heard the word lipedema. It’s no secret that our medical industry is failing us. The countless women who complain about the lack of medical care on Facebook alone is beyond heart wrenching. One day it struck me, we should open a Lipedema clinic. We will be part of the solution. Not only will we be helping woman manage their lipedema and comorbidities we will be educating their PCP along the way. We will spread the word across the country one patient at a time because the clinic is licensed across the nation. By becoming a patient of the clinic, you are helping spread lipedema awareness and education. I am excited and humbled to serve you. I will do my best to cheer you along your journey to better health, better mobility, and better quality of life.