Lipedema Resources

  • Crave Nourishment

    Red Pen Reviews publishes the most informative, consistent, and unbiased health and nutrition book reviews available, free of charge. We exist to help you evaluate the information quality of the books you read or are thinking about buying.

  • FCS removes painful, reflexive tissue contractions from the body via a gentle hands-on process that involves slackening or decompression of the involved structures. The treatments are completely painless making it a viable option for even the most painful or delicate cases. FCS’s powerful, multi-system effects are believed to be due to the deactivation of deep fascial pain receptors (nociceptors) which maintain the body’s soft tissues in a persistent guarded or “over-protective” state. During FCS treatments, there is a palpable, often visible reduction in localized tissue edema. This combination of metabolite drainage and proprioceptive re-setting gives Fascial Counterstrain unparalleled carry over. Many patients report lasting relief of chronic conditions after only one or two treatment sessions.

  • RST (Rossiter Stretching Technique) is a series of powerful and effective two-person pin-and stretch release techniques for addressing structural pain and restriction of movement at its source, the body’s fascia, ligaments, tendons, collagen, elastin – collectively called connective tissue.

  • Ashiatsu Massage

    During an Ashiatsu massage, therapists use their bare feet to deliver deep compression, long gliding strokes, and/or assisted stretching. 

  • Hyperbaric oxygen therapy provides a variety of benefits to the whole body.

    Improved Mitochondrial Function

    Inflammation Reduction

    Enhanced Immune System

    Improved Brain Function

    Accelerated Wound Healing

    Increased Stem Cell Mobilization

    Improved Bone Health

    Increased Blood Circulation

    Anti-Aging Effects

    Improved Tissue Oxygenation

    Enhanced Lymphatic Flow & Gentle Detox

  • The Mediator Release Test (MRT) is a type of blood test used to test your body’s reactions to 0ver 170 foods and food additives. It is a patented test from Oxford Biomedical Technologies, Inc.  "food sensitivity" is often used to refer to food intolerances.[1] It can be thought of as an immune system response to food or a food additive that doesn’t rise to the level of a food allergy.  There are no reliable blood tests to detect a food sensitivity, [1]

    Food intolerances are considered sensitivities to certain foods or substances in those foods. They cause symptoms like digestive upset (bloating, gas, cramping, diarrhea). They do not cause immune system reactions. It’s said that food intolerances are caused by the lack of an enzyme needed to digest certain foods or as a reaction to the naturally occurring compounds in foods or additives. [1]

    In an MRT, you’ll have blood drawn. This blood sample will be tested for a reaction to common foods associated with sensitivities. MRT works by exposing a small amount of your white blood cells and plasma to a certain food or food additive and then monitoring for changes in the blood composition. [5]

    If a food or additive causes a sensitivity reaction, pro-inflammatory mediators are released by the white blood cells. This measurement of inflammatory mediators is used to determine sensitivity to that food substance. Interpreting the results of the MRT is fairly straightforward. The foods and food additives will be shown in a diagram like a bar graph. They may be colored green, yellow, red, or in shades of gray if printed. There will be three sections the bar could flow into and include: [5]

    • Green: Unreactive or safe foods 

    • Yellow: Foods that should be set aside for three to six months 

    • Red: Foods that should be avoided for as long as three to four years

    The LEAP elimination diet is based on the results of your MRT test. The goal of the LEAP diet is to calm the immune system. Like other elimination diets, the LEAP diet has different phases.  During the first phase, yellow and red foods are eliminated for a period of time to reduce inflammation and achieve a reduction in symptoms. Once this is achieved, eliminated foods or food groups are slowly reintroduced into the diet one at a time while closely monitoring for the return of symptoms. The goal during this phase is to identify more “safe” foods or safe amounts of food. The final phase includes continuing to expand and “challenge” yellow and red foods to build a balanced diet that also calms the immune system.

    [1] Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. Are food sensitivity tests accurate?

    [5] Adamczak DM. The clinical use of mediator release test in food sensitivitiesJournal of Food Science and Engineering.  2018;1:61-63. doi:10.17265/2159-5828/2018.01.007

  • CGM stands for “continuous glucose monitor". It is a compact medical system that continuously monitors your glucose levels in more or less real time (there’s normally a 5-minute interval between readings). You insert a small sensor onto your abdomen or arm with a tiny plastic tube known as a cannula penetrating the top layer of skin. An adhesive patch holds the sensor in place, allowing it to take glucose readings in interstitial fluid (the fluid that surrounds cells in the body) throughout the day and night. Generally, the sensors have to be replaced every 7 to 14 days.  It offers real-time feedback on how foods and other lifestyle factors affect your glucose levels. This information can help you aim for more stable blood sugar to boost energy, improve focus, aid weight loss, prevent and manage chronic disease, and even foster longevity.

  • Your gut is home to trillions of different, living microbes all contributing to your health and wellness. This is called your gut microbiome. Testing your gut microbiome can help identify and heal illnesses and lead to longer healthier lives. If this important mixture of bacteria is disrupted, it can place you at risk for disease. Restoring your gut microbiome to a large varied healthy mixture is essential for health and longevity

  • Brain functionality is essential for health, managing stress, and emotions is key in both recovery of illness and maintenance of health. Neurofeedback is a type of biofeedback that teaches self control of brain activity. This training is intended to improve cognitive functioning, including attention and memory, as well as mental well-being, such as emotion regulation, among other benefits. In both clinical research and practice, neurofeedback training has been used as an adjunct treatment for certain disorders, including ADHD, dyslexia, dyscalculia, depression, and anxiety. There is some evidence to suggest that EEG neurofeedback training may be effective in helping to enhance the beneficial effects of meditation practice  While the results are mixed, certain studies indicate that neurofeedback training may improve working memory, attention, mood, and sleep quality.